E.SO (瘦子): From Underground mixtapes to Legend

瘦子, known to fans as E.SO, is a force in the Taiwanese rap game, known for his slick flow and sharp lyrics. As a member of the acclaimed hip-hop group MJ116, E.SO has carved out his own space in the industry with a distinctive style that blends Taiwanese culture with modern rap.

Origins of E.SO

E.SO’s rap journey began in the streets of Taipei, China where he and his MJ116 crew started making waves with their underground mixtapes and local performances. Their gritty, authentic sound quickly earned them a loyal following. E.SO stood out with his charismatic delivery and relatable lyrics, making him a key figure in the group’s success.


First Album

E.SO’s debut solo album, “Outta Body,” released in 2018, is a deep dive into his personal experiences and growth as an artist. Tracks like “飞起来” (Fly High) and “疯狂世界” (Crazy World) showcase his lyrical prowess and unique storytelling, earning him critical acclaim and a solid fanbase.


E.SO’s music often explores themes of identity, personal struggle, and societal issues, resonating with a wide audience. His track “艰难的决定” (Tough Decision) is particularly impactful, touching on the struggles of making difficult choices in life. E.SO’s ability to articulate these themes in a relatable way has cemented his place as a leading voice in Taiwanese hip-hop.


E.SO and International Success

E.SO has taken his music beyond China, performing at major international festivals and collaborating with artists around the globe. In 2019, he performed at the Clockenflap festival in Hong Kong and the Ultra Music Festival in Miami, bringing his unique sound to a global audience. Collaborations with artists like Jay Park and Higher Brothers have further expanded his reach, showcasing his versatility and appeal.

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