GAI (周延): The Maverick Voice of Chinese Hip-Hop

GAI, (Zhou Yan), is a prominent Chinese rapper, singer, and songwriter known for his distinctive “Chongqing Style Rap.” He blends traditional Chinese music elements with modern hip-hop, creating a unique sound that resonates with fans across China and beyond. GAI is widely recognized for his powerful lyrics and cultural authenticity, often drawing from his experiences and heritage. He gained significant popularity after winning the first season of the reality show “The Rap of China.”

Origins and History of GAI

GAI was born on March 22, 1988, in Gongxian, Yibin, Sichuan, China. He started his music career in the underground hip-hop scene, eventually founding the GO$H music label. His big break came in 2017 when he participated in “The Rap of China,” where he emerged as the co-winner alongside PG One. This victory propelled him to national fame and established him as a leading figure in Chinese hip-hop.

GAI 周延

First Album

GAI’s first significant musical release was the album “Ren Yi Li Zhi Xin” in 2016. This album showcased his ability to integrate traditional Chinese cultural elements with hip-hop, setting the stage for his future success. The album included tracks that highlighted his lyrical prowess and unique sound, contributing to his rising popularity in the Chinese music scene.


GAI’s most popular track is arguably “Hot Pot Soup” (火锅底料), released in 2017. This song not only cemented his place in the Chinese rap industry but also became a cultural phenomenon, celebrated for its clever lyrics and catchy beats. GAI’s impact extends beyond music; he has become a symbol of cultural pride and authenticity, inspiring a new generation of artists to embrace their heritage through hip-hop.

GAI 周延

GAI and International Success

GAI’s international presence has been marked by several key performances and collaborations. Notably, he performed the Chinese theme song for the movie “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” in 2023, which expanded his reach to a global audience. Additionally, his participation in international music festivals and events has further solidified his status as a global hip-hop ambassador.

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