Vava (毛衍七): The Chinese Rap Queen

Vava (毛衍七) (Mu Yanqi) born on October 29, 1995, in Ya’an, Sichuan, is a trailblazing Chinese rapper and singer. Known for her dynamic flow and innovative blending of hip-hop with electronic music, VAVA has become a significant figure in Chinese hip-hop, celebrated for her ability to push the boundaries of the genre and infuse it with her distinct personal and cultural influences.

Origins of Vava

VAVA began her music career at a young age, performing locally in her hometown of Ya’an to support her family. At 18, she moved to Beijing to pursue music professionally. Her big break came in 2017 when she appeared on the first season of “The Rap of China,” where she was the only female contestant to reach the final four. This exposure skyrocketed her career, leading to various endorsements and solidifying her place in the Chinese music industry.

Vava 毛衍七

First Album

VAVA’s debut album, “21,” was released in 2017. The album features tracks like “My New Swag,” which gained international attention by being included in the soundtrack of the movie “Crazy Rich Asians.” The album showcases VAVA’s unique style, blending hip-hop with modern electronic beats and solidifying her reputation as a versatile and creative artist.


Vava has significantly impacted the rap scene by breaking barriers as a prominent female rapper, Her unique blend of traditional Chinese elements with contemporary Hip-Hop beats pave the way for future female artists. Vava’s confident style and lyrical prowess have earned her a loyal following and critical acclaim.

Vava 毛衍七

Vava and International Success

 Some notable aspects of her international success include her collaboration with major brands such as Alexander Wang. She has performed internationally, including events like the halftime show of an NBA game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Philadelphia 76ers. VAVA’s global reach continues to expand, making her a prominent ambassador of Chinese hip-hop on the world stage.

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